Starting New
. This year is supposed to be about starting new. We get to start over in away. For me it's starting from square one. I am moving in with my boyfriend. I am single. I have a stepdaughter. But mostly it's all scary because this is the first year in many many years that I can be my outspoken, outgoing, sometime rude, independent self. My ex controlled me a lot more than I even knew it. I had dated him since right after high school. He was my first. Not only that he was the guy I thought I would be with until we were told and gray. That's not what was written in the stars. Right now I am typing from a place I never thought I would be. Alone. Not physically, my boyfriend, Dustin, is right beside me, but mental it feels that way. I had to learn to be myself. I am still learning how to take care of myself mentally and physically. It's not a walk in the park. I honestly thought it would be easier when we split up this time last year. I thought I had it all figured out. Da...